Next Generation 911

Expediting the Transition to Next Generation 911

NG911 is a standards-based, Internet Protocol (IP)-based broadband system that enables transmission of images, videos, and other kinds of rich data that would choke narrowband systems, in addition to voice calls. NG911 will create cost and operational efficiencies, and will enhance situational awareness and interoperable communications, which in turn will enable emergency responders to perform more effectively and safely. As NG911 integrates with the public safety broadband networks, a seamless, unified emergency response ecosystem will emerge. MCP is highly experienced in planning, designing, and implementing NG911 systems.

NG911 Trusted Leaders

Preparing for the Future with The Trusted Expert in NG911

The MCP team is the premier provider of NG911 consulting services, helping clients optimize their NG911 call-delivery technologies, operations, and policies to ensure a seamless transition. In addition, we can support emergency services IP network (ESInet) procurement and implementation, and offer solutions that enhance data interoperability and integration. The following is a partial list of our capabilities:

  • Developing NG911 strategic plans that address the agency’s unique goals and yield one result — progress
  • Developing or enhancing of agency policies systems, and processes to support the transition to NG911
  • Ensuring a smooth procurement and implementation of NG911, as well as sustainable results
  • Enhancing network reliability and security after implementation to reduce downtime risks
  • Data integration and analytics support to improve emergency response capabilities

Mastering the Key to Next Generation 911 Interoperability

NG911 interoperability is the ability of different 911 systems to work together seamlessly, allowing emergency responders to rapidly and effectively share information and resources. MCP helps organizations achieve interoperability by conducting thorough analyses of their existing systems and designing comprehensive plans to bridge gaps and meet industry standards.

Specific interoperability benefits include:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity — when disparate devices and systems can communicate with each other, efficiency of data exchange and overall productivity increases dramatically.
  • Improved decision-making — with access to more accurate and up-to-date information, decision-makers can perform more effectively.
  • Reduced costs —when disparate devices and systems can connect and work together, the need for duplicate resources and infrastructure is reduced, which ultimately reduces costs.
NG911 Interoperability

We’ll Put You on the Path to NG911

We’re committed to transitioning public safety to NG911.

states where we have contributed to legislative language

state / regional NG911 strategic plans authored

state and regional (ESInets) designed

PSAPs interconnected via ESInet deployments

Key Areas of NG911 Expertise


Multi-year strategic planning


System architecture and design

Data integration and standard operating procedure development

NG911 and FirstNet convergence and integration


Vendor contract review and recommendations

Cross-jurisdictional facilitation

Management: data, systems, vendors, complete solutions

Staff augmentation: GIS, technical, leadership

Text-to-911 implementation and public education outreach

Procurement, implementation and vendor management—call-handling equipment, ESInet, next generation core services (NGCS)

NG911 and GIS training, outreach, and education

Insights and Client Success

CAD Capabilities

Infographic: Myth Busting – GIS & NG911

Geospatial information systems (GIS) have long been used in public safety. However, Next Generation 911 (NG911) uses geospatial routing based on GIS-generated data to locate emergency callers, increasing the importance of such systems, and this infographic dispels some myths about GIS.

The Critical Role of Standards for NG911 Implementation

Blog: The Critical Role of Standards for NG911 Implementation

The National Emergency Number Association’s (NENA) i3 standard is the primary NG911 standard in the US, and it is important for 911 professionals to be aware of it and its requirements. Learn more about:

  • The Importance of Standards
  • The Role of NENA’s i3 Standard in NG911 Implementation
  • Your Role as a 911 Professional
Arizona Department of Administration/911 Program

Case Study: Arizona Department of Administration/911 Program

The Arizona 911 Program oversees fifteen 911 systems that serve 81 emergency communications centers. The department’s goal is to interconnect all of the centers to improve data sharing and emergency response. MCP helped the department assess each 911 system and its GIS data using the firm’s proprietary MAPS methodology.


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