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Industry Standards Contributions

At MCP, we have a passion for advancing the public safety and critical communications industries. One way we show that passion is by contributing to industry standards and incorporating them in our work. We’re committed to leading and participating in applicable standards development organizations, such as the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO), the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC), the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), the Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF), SAFECOM and the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet).

Our ultimate goal for supporting standards development is to align our technical and operational guidance with consensus-based standards that will improve emergency response outcomes for our clients and the communities they serve.

MCP’s staff contributions, both current and past, are reflective of our industry-wide knowledge. See the full list of our contributions.

Industry Bodies Supported by MCP

APCO Committees

  • Standards Development Committee (SDC)
  • Communications Center Standard Committee (CCSC)
  • APCO Wireless 911 Deployment Work Group
  • UCAD Project Committee

NENA Committees 

  • Agency Systems Committees including the NG911 Call Processing Metrics Group, Document Review Working Group, NENA / APCO NG911 PSAP Working Group
  • ALEC / PS Technical Committee – ALEC Sub-Committee
  • Nontraditional Communications Technical Committee – ACN Subcommittee
  • Network Technical Committee – Migration Working Group
  • Joint Data Technical/Operations – VDB MSAG Working Group
  • VoIP/Packet Technical Committees including the Long Term Definition Working Group and the Location Working Group
  • SOP Committee – Human Resources Sub-Committee
  • PSAP Operations & Next Generation Integration Committee
  • Wireless Operations Committee
  • Next Generation 911 Transition Planning
  • PSAP Operations Committee
  • Accessibility Committee – VRS – IP Relay PSAP Interaction
  • Core Services Committee
  • Data Management Committee
  • Interconnection and Security Committee
  • CPE Committee and the Next Generation Integration (NGI) Committee – Security for NG911 Working Group
  • Operations and Technical Committee Chairs
  • Public Education & PSAP Training – NG911 Education & Training
  • Standard Operating Procedures / Joint Steering Committee
  • Regulatory / Legislative Committee

Additional Organizations

  • National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC)
  • Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF)
  • FirstNet
  • Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
    • FCC Communications Security Reliability and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) II
    • FCC Emergency Accessibility Advisory Committee (EAAC)
    • FCC Task Force on Optimal PSAP Architecture (TFOPA)


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